Friday, April 13, 2007


Over spring break I traveled to DC in order to see a few art museums. I travled to the Hirshhorn a got to see a few very interesting peices of art. My favorite piece was a wall size mural that when you looked at it straight ahead it was one mural when you stood on the left side it looked like a different mural and when you looked at it from the right it looked like yet a different mural. This was done by creating the peice with triangle strips that were an inch deep giving the perspective of three different peices of art. The other exzibhit that caught my eye was a 30 minute video done by a pyromaniac. He setup a warehouse filled with a dominoe like effect but fire. the flame would travel through a set up path where many different interesting things happened to make the flame travel to the next station. The Hirshhorn is a very interesting art museum it holds some of the wierdest looking peice of art, and very few classic paintings. It was a delight to get to see something new.

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